Chapman Lily Planning has been appointed by Aster Group to prepare a planning application for new homes on land to the south-east of Park Hill in Charlton Marshall. This exhibition provides information on the emerging proposals.


Aster Group supplies a wide range of housing options in response to the housing crisis, working towards its vision of ensuring everyone has a home.

The not-for-dividend business was established in 1990 and has £2 billion worth of assets. Aster plans to invest £2.5 billion to deliver 12,000 new homes by 2030.

Aster forecasts delivering over 1,300 homes during the current financial year (2022/23) across all tenures.

The Group reinvests profits from open market sale and shared ownership to support the development of affordable rented homes. It owns and maintains over 34,500 homes and employs more than 1,720 people.


The images provide a flavour of the range of high quality homes that Aster Group have provided in Blandford on the former Council Offices site (Nordon).

The northern section of this site comprises a number of deciduous trees to Park Hill. There is a natural clearing in the north corner of the site where there is existing gated access to the site. To the northeast of the site is the Trailway (former railway line), which is separated by a line of established trees. Along the southeast boundary of the site is a bank of trees although more interspersed than the northwest boundary. Church Lane which runs just beyond and lower is sat at a lower level. There is no current boundary delineation (on site) along the south west side of the site. The application site is slightly undulating in places and slopes down gently to the east.

Within the site are a number of large and significant mature trees. The site is former parkland which was associated with Charlton House until 1860 when the construction of the railway line physically separated the house and parkland. Over time the ownership of the land has changed hands.

The application site lies outside the Conservation Area, with a recent housing development between the Conservation Area and the former railway line which lies to the northeast of the application site. There are no other designated heritage assets within the application area, although it is noted that within the site is a small area identified as being of archaeological importance (non-designated heritage asset).

Site Photo 1

Site Photo 2

Site Photo 3

Site Photo 4

Site Photo 5

It is evident that:

  • The site is adjacent to the Trailway (former railway line) provides sustainable links between Spetisbury and the edge of Blandford.
  • The ecological habitats and amenity value of the trees have been considered. The majority of the trees within the site which are a positive landscape feature, will be retained and provide a mature setting to the proposed development and have a direct positive impact on its future occupants.
  • The proposed development will require diversion of the existing water main crossing the site.
  • There is good visibility along Park Hill and scope to make improvements to allow for the formation of a new access.
  • The existing planting provides a high degree of enclosure, to all but the western boundary.
  • There is an opportunity to enhance pedestrian access by providing a link through the site to the North Dorset Trailway (which is a level access route for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrian) and potentially up to Church Lane (the bridleway).
  • The site whilst not within the Conservation Area, is within proximity to both non designated and designated heritage assets, and thus the proposal needs to consider the significance of these assets and any potential impact.

Designated Assets

  • Church of St Mary (Grade I, 1171867)
  • Charlton Marshall Conservation Area

Non-Designated Heritage Assets

  • Former Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway line and Charlton Marshall Halt
  • Aster will liaise with Dorset Councils Archaeologist to ascertain whether any future archaeological investigation works are required on the site itself.

Aster Group is committed to bring forward a development of around forty-four dwellings and will be delivering a policy compliant scheme in terms of providing 40% (16 units) affordable family housing units on site providing significant social, public and economic benefits.

An indicative layout plan has been prepared, identifying both the housing size/no. of bedspaces, location of the ‘high quality’ affordable (including affordable housing tenure mix) and market housing and albeit this may change as more information becomes available.


Key features of this proposal include:

  • Family housing in the form of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes (c. 44 dwellings) of which 16 will be affordable family homes (a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms).
  • Vehicular access from the existing field access to Park Hill
  • Permeability improvements within the site to the Trailway, across the site and consideration of pedestrian access up to Church Lane.
  • Attenuation pond to capture surface water run off within the site.
  • Large areas of open space with inclusion of Local Equipment Area for Play (LEAP) and Local Area for Play (LAP).
  • S.106 contributions payable to the Local Planning Authority are likely to include:
    • NHS Contribution
    • Trailway Contribution & Rights of Way Enhancement
    • Education (Pre school provision, Primary & Secondary) contribution
    • Community, Leisure and Sports Facilities
    • Formal Outdoor Sports Facilities Contribution & maintenance contribution
    • Bus Services & Sustainable Transport Contributions
    • Library Contribution 

Your feedback is important to us so please fill in a questionnaire at the forthcoming exhibition or contact us here.

For further information regarding this proposal, please contact Chapman Lily Planning on 01929 553818.